Why aren’t we meeting in person?

You & I have a chat scheduled to discuss your web marketing & I am looking forward to learning how I can help you!

You may be wondering why we’re not meeting in person. 

The way I see it is that we both started our businesses because we wanted to do things differently than the way they’d been done.

web marketing firmBeing in business for yourself can give you the freedom to create a life and business on your own terms.

The web has become a game changer in business.

It is such a powerful tool to help us create the lives we want, the businesses we want & the world we want.

And, I take my role as ambassador of new technology seriously, and I walk the walk, not just talk the talk.

For me, leveraging the power of the web works to free me from the restraints of needing to work from a fixed physical location.

I started off working from an office in Calgary, to working from home in Calgary, to splitting my time between Calgary, BC and Ontario, to eventually spending weeks working from Mexico.

I found that despite my concerns, where I was working from didn’t seem to make a difference to my clients or to the results I produced. 

Additionally, the time I was saving commuting was increasing my productivity & effectiveness.

I also benefitted from the cost savings of overhead, gas and parking- which I can pass on to you.

So, instead of us both spending time sitting in traffic, we’ll be having a phone or video call – whatever you prefer.

From there, we can discuss what you want your life & business to look like in the coming years, and how I can help you get there.

It’s about deciding how you want your business to work for you & us crafting a plan to get you there.

This is the power of the web I’ve experienced, and am looking forward to sharing with you!


Win $200, FREE Website Updates & More!

Let us help pick up the tab on your holiday expenses with a $200 Visa Gift Card.

It’s easy to win!

Simply post your review of The New Media Group on Google  with the following information:

Tell us:

  1. What problem you needed our help with
  2. How we helped
  3. The difference our services made to your business & life.
Each review will be entered to win the Grand Prize of a $250 Visa Gift Card, our Second Place Prize of $100 worth of Free Web Updates and a Third Place Prize which is a Free copy of Laurel’s book SocialIn17

First Draw Is On Nov 31st! Good Luck!


3 Tips for managing your email storage quota

If you’re hosting your website with us, you get 25 email boxes, free with your web hosting.

However, these email boxes provide a limit of 1 Gig of space stored on the server. This includes all emails and attachments in all folders.

Once you hit your space limit, emails sent to you will bounce back to the sender. 

If you’ve received a notification from the administrator like the following message, there are 3 options for reducing your email size to below 1 Gig.

“Currently, incoming messages are still being delivered.
In order to continue receiving email, you will need to work with your email
administrator to make room for new messages. Beginning soon if your mailbox is over capacity, messages sent to you will be returned to the sender.”

1. Delete Trash Items:

You’d be surprised how much space items you’ve deleted take up. Permanently deleting items in your trash folder can in many cases free up the space you’ll need.

2. Delete Spam Items:

This folder may be automatically set up to store Spam emails redirected from your inbox.

By deleting your spam mail, you’ll free up extra space.

3. Delete Sent Items

By deleting your sent emails, you’ll certainly free up a lot of space. In many cases your sent folder may be as big as, or bigger than your inbox itself.

For some industries, such as those sending and receiving engineering or architectural drawings, a 1 Gig email box may be difficult to manage.

Still need more space? Upgrade your email hosting to  25 G per mailbox- for only $5 per mailbox, per month!


5 Amazingly Simple Blog Post Ideas Every Overworked Business Owner Needs to Know

Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.

And when it comes to digital marketing, working smarter means taking full advantage of what’s already working.

Whether you’re just starting to write blog posts, or you’ve been doing it for awhile you may need some help to come up with topics for your blog posts. 

This post will show to come up with an unlimited supply of blog post ideas based on the premise that you’re going to imitate that which is already working.

5 steps to writing blog posts in your sleep:

  1. Find out what blog posts are already going viral
  2. Improve upon the existing blog post
  3. Be inspired by powerful headlines that are already working
  4. Adapt the headline to fit your blog post
  5. Publish & spend the rest of the day in the hammock, lavishing in the attention from your adoring fans. 

Sure, that sounds easy- but where to start?

First, the research portion. Finding out what posts are trending is easy, if you have this Top 5 Trending list:

Step One:

Find out what to blog about.

  1. Check out alltop.com for posts that are trending
  2. Search Google Keyword + Best + Top 50 + Best 2014 for great blog post ideas.
  3. Go to the Reddit home page 
  4. Go to BuzzFeed.com
  5. Check out medium.com

Step two:

5 Stupidly Easy Ways to Improve Upon Successful Content

Once you’ve found an article that would provide value for your audience to you, spend a few minutes and think on how you can improve it. 

We’re not suggesting you copy the post. Simply use it as a basis from which to start. Then, ask yourself these 5 questions:

  1. If it’s a top 10 list, can you make it into a top 15 list?
  2. Inversely, if it’s a top 10 list, can you make it a top 5 list?
  3. Can you improve upon the image used?
  4. Was there any information missed or outdated?
  5. Can you make it easier or more fun to read?

Step Three:

Creating the best headline for your blog post

Again, we’re going to be inspired by the masters. Check out the headlines on websites like these and make note of one or two exceptionally powerful ones

  1. Mashable.com
  2. Buzzfeed.com
  3. Techcrunch.com
  4. FastCompany.com
  5. The Onion

Step four

Create the best headline you’ve ever not written

Take the most compelling headline you’ve found and modify it to fit your subject matter.

Step five

Publish & revel in your glory.

BONUS Advanced Blogging ManƓuvres:

  1. Instal Feedly.com and begin compiling a Google Reader Style aggregate of other industry specific sites that may have great content
  2. Instal the Scrape Extension & Use the “Scrape Similar” feature to get even more hot articles and topics
  3. Opensiteexplorer.com will tell you the most popular pages on any given site– ie- your competitors!

How to write blog posts

This article would not have been possible without the amazing presentation by James WD Anderson at Social Media Camp 2014.

Thank you James!

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Please share it ! Or, if you have a minute and are procrastinating right now, leave me a comment below.

Here’s What You Missed at Social Media Camp

Social Media Camp is an annual 3 day event that takes place in Victoria, BC each spring.

3 main salons and multiple additional spaces at the Victoria Conference Centre bring together presenters and delegates alike to network and share information on the latest & greatest in Social Media today.

At any given time, there are 3 speakers presenting simultaneously, making it Canada’s largest social media conference 5 years running.

Here are my key takeaways from the event.

StoryTelling In Social Media:

In contrast to last year’s emphasis on tactical and practical implementation techniques, this year was very much about the stories we tell on social media.

3 of the presentations I caught were focused on this theme.

How to incorporate stories into your brand and culture, the stories you tell to go viral and the parables used to close the deal were all brought up.

Stories can help alleviate the paradox of disconnect so many people experience in their connections on social media.

photo (8)

Presenters such as Tod Maffin explained how to build a killer viral marketing campaign.

Steve Dotto explained how to grow your YouTube channel exponentially through the use of visual storytelling.

April Dunford discussed how to incorporate stories into your sales pitch.

Facebook Makes Marketing Challenging:

Facebook’s new algorithm change has dramatically decreased visibility of Facebook pages.

This move makes it clear that marketers and businesses are now expected to pay in order to reach their audience.

The topic of how to maneuver in the new Facebook landscape was another underlying theme.

James WD. Anderson highlighted the strategic imperative of sending Facebook fans to your website or other web property to help convert.

Matt Astifan’s entire talk was based on how to manage Facebook Advertising effectively and Amber Osborne & Sean Smith discussed whether 100 customers or 100,000 likes is better for business.

Content, Content, Content:

As expected, most speakers and attendees stayed obsessed with content.

Attendees took photos of themselves with hashtag signs, and many speakers discussed how to create & curate content that converts.

If you missed Social Media Camp, and would like to learn more about attending next year, click here to visit their website. 

To get more information on this past event, search #smcamp on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook & Google +




Winner of the Social In 17 ; Vancouver Business Network Event Announced

An enthusiastic crowd of business owners gathered at the Vancouver School of Music, April 22 to attend my 60 minute presentation of Social In 17- Successfully Market Yourself on Social Media in Just 17 Mins a day

The presentation is on the subject of my new book, and is intended to give business owners the exact practical and tactical tools they need to successfully market themselves on social media.

Hosted by the Vancouver Business Network, the seminar was a great success.

Networking followed my presentation, and I got to interact with almost all the attendees!

Door Prize Winner Announced! Congrats Mila Herenda!

Mila Herenda- winner of the doorprize!

Mila Herenda- winner of the doorprize!who won a “Get Your Toes Wet” Internet Marketing Assessment Valued at $1997:

“Get a complete assessment of your online performance, complete with competitor analysis.
Learn where you stand in the online marketplace; what your organization is doing well and 
 what it needs to change. Get an understanding of the opportunities for growth and under 
 serviced niche markets.
Assessment includes:
● Website 22 Point Checklist- how well is your 24/7 sales tool performing?
● Search Analysis- can you be found where your customers are searching for you?
● Social Media- complete network assessment- where are you online and is it working? 
● One Hour- One on One consultation and Question and Answer period with Laurel
Congrats Mila!
For more info:
What people say about the Social in 17 Presentation
Learn more about Social in 17 the Book



Why Your Company Needs an Optimized Social Media Presence

new-media-group-optimized-social-mediaGone are the days of needing the newspaper or the radio to tell the world about your ideas. You no longer need press releases or the wire to break exciting news to your customers, and you no longer need a TV to publicize videos and online commercials. The only thing you need is a social media strategy.

Plain and simple, your business needs to be online; if you’re not sharing, tweeting or posting, you’re falling behind. Social media has taken the world of information by storm – we’re able to watch events unfold in real time, and see the opinions of people from all over the world with just a couple of clicks. Your business is able to take advantage of these tools in order to gain more followers, develop your reputation, improve your SEO, and gain direct access into the thoughts and values of your customers.

Here are four reasons why your business needs an optimized social media strategy:

1.    Extend Your Reach

Social media is arguably the largest method of communication – it gives you access to hundreds of millions of people! Whether it’s on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Google+, you have the chance to connect with people of all ages, from all around the world. Some great ways to do this are to start following or “liking” different companies that are in the same industry, or even pick a few that are just for interest! The social media world is a give-and-take process; the more you share and follow the more you’ll get in return.

2.    Direct Access

Customer feedback is the most valuable insight for a business. You get to learn what your customers are looking for and how you can improve for next time! With social media you’re able to make that feedback turn into a conversation, and show that individual as well as many other potential customers, how dedicated you are to working with them to meet their needs.

3.    Thought Leadership

Having a business blog or generating an opportunity to be a guest writer on someone else’s blog is a great way to improve your business’ reputation. People know that real people run businesses, and they want to know the thoughts and values of those top executives. Writing out your ideas can turn your status towards thought leadership, and you’ll start being the source that people go to for details about your industry. Whether you’re in finance, construction, jewellery making – you name it! Show the world your expertise over your social media channels.

4.    SEO

Lastly, from a technical standpoint, social media is a quick way to improve how you rank in search engines listings. It grants you more links and pages, and the more your content gets shared the more opportunities you will have to show up through searches. There are also a number of very insightful programs that are able to run analytics on your accounts to see how your influence is growing, and where you’re seeing the most success.

With the number of individuals using social media to pick where they shop, eat, buy, visit, etc., you will be left in the dust without an online presence. Take the time to build out a strategy that will show the world your thoughts, and then build a system so that you can show customers your commitment to them through responses. Social media is invaluable, and could be just the step that your company was looking for to take it to the next level.

Social in 17 E Book Now Available For Preorder

Social In 17

If you want to:

● Learn to use Social Media to build your business- without spending long hours
● Learn the exact, hands on, proven tactics the experts use to deliver measurable returns
● To receive the step-by-step to-do’s that will help to translate these concepts into daily action

Then this ebook is for you.

PreOrder from now ’til April 15th and SAVE 50% with coupon code CH99B 




Is Gmail Hiding Your Emails?

Since Gmail launched its latest update, you may not be getting all of the emails you want to see.

Kitty-hiding-place-1920x1200Newsletters you signed up for might have disappeared, or maybe your online bill reminders don’t come anymore. Sound familiar?

If this is an issue for you, it’s probably because Gmail has divided your email into several tabs:

Priority – this is your main inbox

Social – this is anything it sees as related to social media

Promotions – anything related to discounts or special offers ends up here

Updates – anything related to bills, confirmations, receipts etc.

Forums – Mailing list emails and messages from online groups or discussion boards

It has been auto-sorting your emails into tabs for you now, thinking this is helpful. And sometimes it is!

inbox 1


But, if you aren’t in love with this new system, the good news is you don’t have to just ‘get used to it’ like so many other updates. This one, you can change.

If you would like to change your tabbed inbox, you have two choices – you can go back to exactly how things were before and get rid of Gmail tabs completely, or you can change it so emails to come into the tabs you think they ought to so it makes better sense to you.

Here’s how to do both.


You can delete all tabs so that you only have one inbox again, or you can keep the ones you like.

inbox 2

In your Gmail account, click on the little  ‘+’  button to the right of your Gmail tabs (shown in yellow above), and uncheck any tabs you don’t like having, then click ‘Save’. Voila! They’re gone forever.

From now on, everything that was sent to the banished tabs, will go to your main (priority) inbox, as will any emails that are in those tabs currently.

Note: If you get rid of Gmail tabs and later want to restore them, click on your settings cog inside Gmail and choose ‘Configure inbox’. A box will pop up asking which tabs you would like to enable. Select the ones you want, and then click ‘Save’.









 If you want to get our emails in your main inbox, but Gmail is sending them to the ‘Forums’ tab, just left-click on the email you want to move and keep holding your mouse button down.

Now, while you are still holding the button, drag your mouse pointer over to the Priority tab.

Click ‘yes’ when a message appears asking you if you would like emails from this sender to go to this new tab from now on, and you’re done.

 Happy Inboxing!

This post by Maria Schmidt

Welcome Brooke Boser as Digital Marketing Manager!

Brooke is joining us as Digital Marketing Manager as of Feb 19 2014.

Brooke Boser is a ten year veteran of professional business analysis and project management delivery.

brookeWhere there’s a process gap, she will spot it. Where there’s a task to complete, she will manage it to completion.
She is ambitious, resourceful, and team-oriented, and is passionate about the emergence of social media and digital marketing as key influencers in consumer decision-making.
Brooke is excited to take on the role of Marketing Manager at The New Media Group and is ready to apply all of her knowledge in order to provide the best customer service possible to our clients.
In her spare time Brooke reads, blogs, tweets, posts, pins, and +1’s. She is also the founder of LTIA Consulting, Inc, a Social Media Strategy & Management consulting firm based out of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
In her role at The New Media Group, Brooke will be sharing her project management & marketing skills with us, ensuring all our deliverables get met on time and on budget.
Brooke keen to shape the business and improve our client campaigns with her keen insight and digital marketing insights.
You can find Brook on the web at: