5 ways to convert your website traffic into qualified leads

photo (6)Your website could be the hardest working salesperson on your team.

Are you using it to it’s best ability?

Here are 5 simple, yet effective changes you can make to your website design to increase the quality & quantity of the leads it generates.

1. Make sure each page has at least ONE call to action. 

A call to action is quite simply the action you are requesting your visitor takes.

That request could be to call you, to sign up for the newsletter, to engage in live chat etc.

Typically you want to make the most important call to action the most prominent, and ideally, only have one per page.

You need to make it crystal clear what you want your visitor to do.

Clarity & focus can be generated by using bright colors, big font, eye catching graphics and even multimedia, like videos.

2. Show social proof, in spades. 

Be sure to showcase case studies, testimonials or even just how many people are part of your mailing list.

This type of social proof acts as an unofficial endorsement of your abilities and trustworthiness.

Trust is hard to build online, so do your best to reassure your website visitors with reviews, formal or otherwise, from others.

3. Make it easy for people to contact you

Give your website visitors several ways to get in touch with you, so they can adopt the way they’re most comfortable with.

Offer live chat, texting, social media channels, a map to your location, hours of operation and any other information people would need in order to get in touch with you.

4. Update your site often.

Or at least, remove any outdated dates. Nothing destroys credibility faster than a website that appears to have been abandoned.

For best results, add a blog to your website and contribute to it at least monthly.

5. Clearly demonstrate the problem you solve

Make sure you are clearly communicating the benefits of what you offer, what makes you different than your competitors and what problem you solve.

If you communicate your benefits clearly, your target market will respond.

Are there any other elements you feel add to your website’s ability to sell for you?

Please share in the comments below!




3 tips to uncovering hidden profits in your business

A healthy business is one that has increased revenues year after year.

httpwww.flickr.comphotos68751915@N05If you want to get more business, increase your profits or take more time off, you’ll need more than just a wish list to make these things happen.

Here are 3 tools to boost your business into a different income bracket.

(Bonus- Free Worksheet at the end of this post)

TIP ONE: Review last year’s revenues and ask yourself.

1. What business segments did better than expected?

2. Which ones were lagging?

3. Which ones were the most profitable?

Identify the business segments that are the most profitable for you and resolve to increase this part of your business.

TIP 2: Aim High: Create your revenue goal.

Looking only at the most profitable segment of your business, take last year’s sales figures and triple them. Now cut that number in half and you’ll have a realistic goal to aim for.

The second step is to make it real by writing it down as if it had already happened.

“My company name did (target revenues) in (business segment) sales in 2012.”

Write this figure on a piece of paper and put it somewhere you and your team will see every day.

TIP 3: Identify your Target.

Again, focusing only on the business segment you want to expand, review how you achieved last year’s sales.

By expanding on what’s already working, you’ll be able to get more business faster and with less effort.

Look for patterns in your financial data to identify who your ideal customer for this segment is:

1. What buyer segment tends to purchase what you offer?

2. What do these buyers have in common (age, marital status, hobbies, company size etc.)

3. When did most of these sales occur?

By analyzing this data you will be well on your way to determining your target offering, target revenue and target audience.

Your Turn!
Tell us in the comments below, what segments in your business did better than you expected?

If you liked this article, please share it.

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About the Author:

Laurel LindsayLaurel Lindsay is a Calgary Internet Marking Consultant & President of The New Media Group Inc. She has over 8 years hands-on Internet Marketing experience.

Laurel is enthusiastic and passionate about helping people live better lives by leveraging the power of the internet.