Just the word camp elicits a feeling of freedom, learning and fun doesnât it?
While this type of camp is decidedly missing the roasting of marshmallows, there are plenty of reasons to justify putting business as usual on hold to attend.

1. Youâll actually learn useful stuff you can apply right away in your business.
If you donât feel 100% comfortable in your social media strategy or execution- this is the place to get clear and confident by learning actionable tips from the best minds in Social Media in North America.
There are as many as 5 sessions running at once, and theyâre classified from beginner to intermediate. There are also workshops, coaches and handy poster sized summaries of each talk for easy note taking.
Most sessions offer a hand out or some sort of supplemental material you can refer back to later as well as instruction during the seminars.

Reference materials created during Tod Maffin’s talk last year.
2. Networking opportunities
Social media camp feels a lot different than many other conferences.
Theyâve done a great job of structuring it so networking and community building happens naturally in the various in-between-session rooms that serve up popcorn as well as plenty of charging space for your devices.
Most attendees (67%) are key decision makers in their business, so with hundreds of attendees, there are plenty of movers and shakers to meet.
You may get to rub shoulders with best selling authors and TV personalities in between their talks or at the always packed local pub across the street.
This yearâs keynote is marketing expert John Jantz- the Author of the Duct Tape Marketing series of books.
3. Time to reinvest back in your business.
Thereâs so many things demanding your attention every day it can be hard to prioritize personal development & learning.
It is critical though, to allocate a percentage of your work time to ongoing training in order to remain competitive.
As Darwin famously said -itâs not the strongest or the smartest of the species most likely to survive-itâs the most adaptable to change.
The undeniable way social media has influenced the consumer buying cycle and how we interact in our relationships demands the attention and adaptability from all professionals.
4. Location, Location, Location
There are few places in Canada that are as beautiful as Victoria BC in May.
With one of the most temperate climates in the country and flowers year round, Victoria is about as tropical as you can get without crossing the border.
After the long, cold, hard winter why not spend some time in the milder climes of the West Coast of Canada?
You may want to take an extra day or two and visit the many things to do and see around this picturesque city. Gorgeous beaches, surfing, whale watching, tropical rain forests and some of the best local dining in Canada are all popular attractions..
5. Youâll make my day.

From Social Media Camp 2013
Not lying.
Iâd love to see you at Social Media Camp!
Iâll be around for the majority of the conference soaking up all the learning.
As well, I am thrilled and honoured to be asked to present on the topic of my book Social in 17 – how to effectively market yourself on social media in just 17 minutes a day.
The conference is the 6th of itâs kind and takes place May 21-23.
You can get your tickets here, but hurry, they sell out fast: http://bit.ly/1Dqe5se
For more information on Social Media Camp check out their website: www.socialmediacamp.ca