Today’s question comes from Michelle Bell, who writes, “How can I integrate all my social media platforms and measure performance based on engagement?” If you’re wondering that too, then keep reading for the answer.
Michelle, it’s a fantastic question. Measurement is absolutely critical to improving your engagement and your performance on social media. So how do you do that?
Gathering Social Media Statistics
We use a software called Sprout Social, which integrates a lot of the different social platforms and generates lots of valuable information around what the most popular types of content that we’re posting, who are the most active people in our network, and much more. It’s a fantastic tool & highly recommended. It is paid service, but well worth it!
Measuring your influence:
Another tool you can use is Klout. Klout will actually measure your influence by grabbing information from all your social profiles and then again measuring what types of content are getting the most engagement and how your influence is progressing, either up or down depending on your engagement with your community.
How about that website?
And then a very overlooked tactic, but one I always recommend, is to make sure that you’re measuring your traffic back to your website to see what kind of social properties are driving traffic to your site and what those folks are doing once they get to your site.
Four metrics to look at in Google analytics are:
- Do your website visitors leave right away, in which case they’re not very engaged?
- Do your website visitors for a very long time on your site?
- Do your website visitors look at a lot of pages?
- And your website visitors get to your “goal page” or where perhaps you’re asking them to contact you or purchase product or service?
So Michelle, that’s three ways that you can measure engagement on all your social platforms.
What other tools do you use to measure engagement? Tell me in the comments below.
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