Today on our one minute tip we are going to start from scratch with blogging for beginners.
What is a blog post anyways and why would you want to start blogging as a small business owner who already has a million things to do?
3 reasons every business owner should be blogging:
You want people coming back to your website, you want people sharing your website on social media and you want your website to be found on search engines.
So one of the most effective ways to kill all those birds with one stone is to blog!
A blog is actually just a fancy name for an article. 500 or so words is all you are looking for.
How to Blog for Business, Step 1: Brainstorm topics.
Think about what your customers or perspective customers always ask you about your business.
If you can think about 5 or 10 topics, pick one and start there.
How to Blog for Business, Step 2: Answer customer questions
Then think about 3 points you normally use to address that question or that topic to your customer.
Expand on those points.
Sit down and write if that is easier or you can use your voice recorder tool on your smart phone which can translate your words to text and will basically write your blog post for you!
Once you are done your 3 points you have expanded on, just add a summary and introduction paragraph to the beginning.
How to Blog for Business, Step 3; Create a Catchy Headline
Think of a catchy headline, like, “3 Mistakes That Most People Shopping for a Fireplace Usually Make”.
Then post this on your website and try to do it on a fairly consistent basis, even once a month is better than none at all.
That is your one minute tip! If you liked this tip, please share and follow our youtube channel here: