The 7 Things Your New Web Design MUST Do To Be Worth Your Money

Today we are going to make sure your brand new web site design is going to be effective!

…before you sign on the dotted line and commit to spending a whole bunch of money!

The very first thing you want to verify is that your new website is going to be mobile compatible– that your new web design is resizing and easy to use on mobile devices like smart phones and tablets.

Secondly, you want to ensure that your website is going to be integrated with social media.

So even if you don’t use social media yourself, you want to enable the people on your website to share your website amongst their peers across the social networks; this just gets you more visibility.

Make sure your website is professionally written for a number of reasons The first to make sure it actually resonates with your target audience and best explains why you are the best choice to solve your customers problem.

Also, you want to make sure that text is search optimized. If it is written for a search engine, you will increase the odds that you get ranking on search engines like Google and show up when people are searching for what you sell.

You want to also make sure your brand new website has the ability to blog which allows you to update your website on a constant basis, making sure that people who are visiting your site are getting a great experience and again, increasing your odds of the search engines ranking you highly.

You want to make sure you have some sort of uptime guarantee. You don’t want your website to be “not found” or broken when people type it in so its very important to check that out.

Also make sure your website is actually going to be owned by your business. That the intellectual property is transferred to your company as soon as you make your final payment.

Last but not least, make sure your website has a lead capture form so people can contact you and you can get their information if they are interested in your products and services. And then continue to nurture that relationship!


The 6 Step Social Media Plan For Business

Today let’s talk about how to create a successful social media strategy!

The very first thing you want to do before you do anything else is figure out what your objective for your social media plan is.

Are you trying to grow a large community on your social platforms?

Are you trying to generate qualified leads?

Are you trying to get traffic back to your website?

Its only when you know what your objective is that you can then start to put a successful social media plan together.


Step 2- evaluate your social media resources.

Is it just you that is going to be engaging on social media for your business or do you have a team of people at your office or perhaps consultants that you have hired to help you with this?

Once you have figured out how much time and energy you have to utilize in social media, then you can go ahead and move on to the next step which is the execution.

Step 3- identify your target on social media & what they care about

So a big part of social media is content. You have to determine what content is important to your target audience and how you are going to get that content out there.

Step 4- curate & create content for your social media platforms

A big way to save time is to curate content which is to share content that has already been posted from other resources onto your own platforms.

The other option is to create your own content, like blog posts, videos like the one below and even images.

Step 5- create a social media schedule.

Then you want to commit to a schedule. Make sure you are posting consistently, whether that is once a day, once a week or once a month.

Consistency is key to building trust with your audience on social media.

Step 6- measure the results of your social media efforts.

Lastly, make sure you are measuring your efforts every single month or at least once a quarter.

Take a look at what is working and what is not working as it relates to your objective.

There, you can find out what posts are getting more engagement, more comments and which ones are driving more traffic back to your site and then you can tweak your strategy from there in terms of what you are posting and when!

3 Guerilla Marketing Techniques for Business Owners on a Budget

Today we are going to talk about three Guerilla marketing techniques any small business owner can use.

These are free marketing tools you can use to to get more credibility, exposure and generate leads from your web presence.

The first thing you want to start doing as a small business owner is start blogging.

Essentially that is just writing articles and posting them on your website. – See? Marketing can be that easy!

What that is going to do is attract your qualified prospects and help build trust that you know what you are talking about and you are a leader in your industry.

As a bonus this will also increase your visibility on search engines and increase the odds that google will place you on page one of their search engine which will give you lots of visibility to your existing and future customers!

The second thing you want to do is start video blogging which is what I do here:

What this does is help you build trust with your future customers, because they get an idea of who you are and start to get to know, like and trust you.

As well it gives you exposure on Youtube which you may not know is owned by Google and increase the odds you show up on the search engines.

The third thing you want to start doing is use Google+ local which gives you a free listing on the Google Search Engine and is also tied into Google+ the social media network.

Also this is tied in with Youtube so you can have your video blogs automatically posting to Google+, your presence on Google Maps and Google+ Local for free, and use Google+ the social network to connect with future prospects!

Keep Reading For Detailed Instructions on Exactly How to Implement These 3 Digital Marketing Techniques Yourself:

Should Your Business Take a Selfie? Capitalize On HOT Social Media Trends.

Today let’s talk about Social Media trends and how you can capitalize on them to grow your business.

The first thing people talk about all the time is the selfie-so how can you use the selfie to actually promote your business and connect with your future customers.

Image credit Social Media Today

Fact is, people like to see photos of other people.It helps create connection.

Tip #1: Take A Business Selfie.

You don’t necessarily need to make ridiculous poses in your bathroom mirror. But you can take pictures of yourself with your customers, with new products and suppliers and on location to help create connections with your future customers.

So go ahead and selfie it up and see what kind of reaction you get! I am betting it is going to be higher than posting information about your business that is text related.

Tip #2: Use Multimedia.

My next point is multimedia. Multi media is a huge trend in social right now, especially the use of video and photos.

So wherever possible, make sure you are using multi media instead of text. So you can take quick videos on your smart phone and upload them actually right from your phone to your social networks which take up more space on the social newsfeed, which basically gives you more visibility to your target audience and community you have already built on social.

Tip #3: Capitalize on Theme Days.

The third thing you want to do is engage in theme days. You may have heard of “throw back thursday” and other Trending Topics

These are conversations already happening on social & they’re easy to capitalize on.

Simply join the conversation by using the hashtag to get exposure to an increased audience size.

Foy using the hashtag throw back thursday – #tbt, you can get more traffic simply because people are already having a conversation about it instead of having to start from scratch!

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#Biztips: Join Conversations On Trending Topics To Get More Exposure on #socialmedia via @new_media_group

That’s your one minute tip! Remember, if you liked this tip, please share!



The #1 Marketing Tool For Business You Need To Start Using Right Now

Today I want to share with you the Number one most effective and free digital marketing tool that you can use as a small business owner or do it yourself marketer.

You may not be surprised to learn it is Video marketing! Just like this video here:

It is an incredibly powerful tool that is free to use, I actually filmed this on my smart phone!

3 Reasons Video Marketing is so effective.

Number 1 – Video is the next best thing to meeting someone in person.

A lot of our communication is non-verbal so watching a video of someone is a really great way to get to know them and get a sense of who they are, its very similar to meeting someone in person.

Secondly, people are much more prone to watch video or look at photos than they are to read text or a long bio about you. It is a very easy way to communicate information and have people consume it in this day in age when people have increasingly short attention spans.

Thirdly, videos are much more likely to be shared and have a much higher conversion rate in terms of people who watch the video are much more likely to act and take the next step in the buying cycle.

Lastly, not many people know this, but Youtube is owned by Google and is the second biggest search engine in the world!

So by posting videos to Youtube, you increase your exposure across the search engines and generate more traffic back to your website!

Those are all the reasons I recommend you start video marketing right now.

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How to Create An Automated Sales Lead Nurture (Drip) Campaign

I want to talk to you about how to automate your sales conversion process by using the internet!

There are 3 steps to creating what is called a “drip campaign” or a “lead nurture campaign”.

The first step is to capture, the second is nurture and the third is convert!

All of this is going to help you automatically nurture leads as you are busy doing other things!

First, you want to start capturing lead’s email addresses from your website, social media, from search engines, you may have a specific landing page set up to capture perspective buyers information.

Once you have a prospect’s information don’t just leave it! Nurture those leads by regularly corresponding with them via email.

I recommend as an easy to use, free email marketing software.

Consider what concerns or questions your prospects might have as they go through the buying journey as well as questions you are commonly asked by your existing customers and start feeding them information at regular intervals to their email account.

You can even set up automated responses to start going out from the minute they submit their email address!


Whether that is every couple of days or couple weeks depends on your particular industry and business.

Next you can go into your Google Analytics and see how often these people are opening and clicking on these e-mails and get a really good idea on how qualified this lead is becoming.

Third, you want to convert them from a qualified lead to a sale.

So as they going through this nurturing process, at some point you want to start asking them repeatedly for the sale.

Give them special offers and make them time sensitive —> remember to continue to ask for the sale and that will help convert your lead into a sale!

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Rockstar Tips to Getting More Exposure On Adwords For Less Money

Today we are talking about how to rock Adwords like a prostar!

Google Adwords is where you can pay to have your business show up on Google by advertising with them.

Once you create an account, there are a couple tips I want to give you today that will help you get better results for less money!

First thing you want to do is sync your Google Adwords page with your Google+ local page.

In your Google Adwords account, click on extensions and synch up your Google+ local page. What this does is makes your ad stand out from all of your competition because it shows the pin which links directly to your location on Google maps – so you get more exposure for very little effort.

Secondly, is make sure your settings are changed from “broad match” to “exact match”.

What that does is prevent Google from making your ad show up for keywords that they are randomly adding to your account- you may not want to show up for those keywords or pay for them either!

By setting them to exact match you are taking more control over your account.

Lastly, is make sure your ad is only displaying during the times of day people are actually only searching for what you sell.

What this does is takes a bunch of your budget that could possibly wasted around the 2am mark and allocates it towards times of the day your prospective audience is searching for what you sell. That means you get more exposure for the same mount of money you are paying and you get a broader exposure to your target market.

Those are your three tips for rocking Google Adwords like a prostar!

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A Beginners Guide To Blogging For Business

Today on our one minute tip we are going to start from scratch with blogging for beginners.

What is a blog post anyways and why would you want to start blogging as a small business owner who already has a million things to do?

3 reasons every business owner should be blogging:

You want people coming back to your website, you want people sharing your website on social media and you want your website to be found on search engines.

So one of the most effective ways to kill all those birds with one stone is to blog!

A blog is actually just a fancy name for an article. 500 or so words is all you are looking for.

How to Blog for Business, Step 1: Brainstorm topics.

Think about what your customers or perspective customers always ask you about your business.

If you can think about 5 or 10 topics, pick one and start there.

How to Blog for Business, Step 2: Answer customer questions

Then think about 3 points you normally use to address that question or that topic to your customer.

Expand on those points.

Sit down and write if that is easier or you can use your voice recorder tool on your smart phone which can translate your words to text and will basically write your blog post for you!

Once you are done your 3 points you have expanded on, just add a summary and introduction paragraph to the beginning.

How to Blog for Business, Step 3; Create a Catchy Headline

Think of a catchy headline, like, “3 Mistakes That Most People Shopping for a Fireplace Usually Make”.

Then post this on your website and try to do it on a fairly consistent basis, even once a month is better than none at all.

That is your one minute tip! If you liked this tip, please share and follow our youtube channel here:


A Busy Person’s Shortcut To Marketing Yourself On Twitter

Today lets talk about how to use Twitter to get more credibility exposure and lead generation for your business.

If you are like most small business owners, you are avoiding Twitter because you just don’t see the point! It’s actually really, really simple, which is why most people find it complicated.

But, more importantly it’s an effective way of boosting your visibility and credibility by getting you exposure to your future customers.

Step One: just create a Twitter account.

Step Two: Hashtags

Figure out how to use Hashtags, the pound symbol – the number sign, #.

What that does is connote a key word or topic. Make sure in your profile you are using hashtags to describe what you do. Use your city or a keyword like #pizzadelivery, #vaccummrepair.

That means when people are searching users with those hashtags, your profile will show up!

Step Three: Work your contacts

Once you sign up, make sure you add people you are already know and start following people you like and business’s that you frequent and start engaging with them.

Step Four: Engage in Conversation

Re-tweeting those people and business’s you follows tweets.

It’s a really great way to get their attention and let them know that you are out there because everybody appreciates free publicity and if you are engaging and promoting that business and those people, they will take notice and at least thank you for that. That’s how you start to engage on Twitter.

Step Five: Grow Your Network

You can also search other users by hashtags as well and you can start to follow people in your target market like in your city or people who are talking about the things that you provide solutions for.

Step Six: Get More Visibility

Those are a couple ways you can start using Twitter to generate a bit more exposure for your business and start engaging with your target audience and community at large.

Don’t forget to post your Twitter link on your website, your email signature, and any other promotional materials you may already have.

Best of luck and if you found this valuable please share and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel!


Pro Tips to Using Pinterest for Business

Today in your one minute tip we are going to be talking about how you can use Pinterest to promote your small business.

Pinterest is a social media marketing tool that is free to use and really easy because its basically about collecting images and pinning them.

So why can this work for small business?

First, pins on Pinterest last a really long time on the newsfeed.

so if you pinned something 3 months ago that has the ability to stay in the news feed and get promoted, seen or shared for up to 3 months from the time you posted it.

That is a long time compared to other social media sites. For each pin that you are pinning, you get a lot of longevity out of that.

Secondly, it is really easy to build community on Pinterest.

All you need to do is go and re-pin others content, share it to your own boards and like it and comment on it. Its that easy!

There is lots of fantastic stuff that people are talking about on Pinterest. They’re talking about holidays, food, all kinds of stuff.

You don’t need to necessarily pin anything business related, just go and network with the people that you already know. You can go and sync your existing contacts into Pinterest and just begin with your community and go from there.

Third, you can use Pinterest to drive more traffic to your website.

If you re-pin images from your website, IE your blog, onto Pinterest that allows you to drive traffic back to your website and position yourself as an expert in your field.

So its a triple whammy, using Pinterest to start driving business to your site.

That’s your one minute tip and if you found this valuable, please remember to share!

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