CNN Interview: Social Proof & How it Affects Consumer Buying Decisions

Let’s talk about how to leverage social proof to influence your customer’s buying decisions.

What is the psychology of decision making?  How does that fit into the new world of communication and how people research decisions?

Check out Laurel’s interview on CNN where she answers these questions and more:

A transcript of the interview is below:

There has been a powerful shift in consumer behaviour in the last 10 or so years.

Previously consumers didn’t have that much power when they were making a buying decision, they would have to go into a showroom and talk to a salesperson to get information.

With the advent and extremely huge adoption of web usage, consumers now have most of the power and are doing most of the pre-buying research before they even contact the business in question.

So, one of the things customers are looking for as they go through the buying process is social proof.

Social proof essentially provides trust that the business has done good work before and can be trusted to do so again.

The way that that is conveyed typically is social proof: testimonials, recommendations, credibility of having up to date website, presence on social media etc. More importantly that other people have interacted with the business and had a positive result.

In this transparent internet world, customers have the ability to submit reviews and testimonials and reviews basically anywhere on the web.

Consumers can review your business on google, Yelp, Facebook.  What this does is affect your search rankings as a business owner on the internet.

The more positive reviews you have for example, on google the higher your business will rank over and above those that don’t have as many positive reviews.

It is one of the top ways people are able to vet your business and see if they will have a good experience. Its certainly recommended to get as many positive reviews as possible.

Also acknowledge any negative reviews you get. Let’s face it, you cant please everyone but by ignoring negative reviews it actually does more damage than simply addressing those concerns people have. it is tremendously affective in convincing your customers you do provide great service.

Q. How do product and service endorsements fit into the modern world?

Product and service endorsements are one of the most powerful ways to sell a new client or customer.

You can tell them all you want how great you are but having words come from someone you have done business with already, using their experience, will most precisely mirror the experience of your future customer.

To have older clients and customers positively reviewing you and going through the experience that they had will tick all the boxes in terms of addressing the concerns your future customers will have.

Q. There is an idea of a difference between implied and explicit endorsements. What is the difference between the two?

Implicit endorsement is something that is occurring a lot through social media.

For example, If you have a Facebook business page and you have 7 people like your photo, they are implicitly endorsing you as someone they do and would do business with and that they know, like and trust.

That is the power of social media and why it works so well. It could also be how many fans you have and followers on your youtube channel. It builds credibility.

Explicit endorsement are things like reviews and testimonials from past clients as well as any reviews you may have or items that would position you as a thought leader.

Any PR or being featured in magazines, interviews on TV stations like CBC, CNN etc, that is also very credible social proof that gets a bigger spread and impact.

If you found this post valuable, please share! And don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel

Here’s What You Missed at Social Media Camp

Social Media Camp is an annual 3 day event that takes place in Victoria, BC each spring.

3 main salons and multiple additional spaces at the Victoria Conference Centre bring together presenters and delegates alike to network and share information on the latest & greatest in Social Media today.

At any given time, there are 3 speakers presenting simultaneously, making it Canada’s largest social media conference 5 years running.

Here are my key takeaways from the event.

StoryTelling In Social Media:

In contrast to last year’s emphasis on tactical and practical implementation techniques, this year was very much about the stories we tell on social media.

3 of the presentations I caught were focused on this theme.

How to incorporate stories into your brand and culture, the stories you tell to go viral and the parables used to close the deal were all brought up.

Stories can help alleviate the paradox of disconnect so many people experience in their connections on social media.

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Presenters such as Tod Maffin explained how to build a killer viral marketing campaign.

Steve Dotto explained how to grow your YouTube channel exponentially through the use of visual storytelling.

April Dunford discussed how to incorporate stories into your sales pitch.

Facebook Makes Marketing Challenging:

Facebook’s new algorithm change has dramatically decreased visibility of Facebook pages.

This move makes it clear that marketers and businesses are now expected to pay in order to reach their audience.

The topic of how to maneuver in the new Facebook landscape was another underlying theme.

James WD. Anderson highlighted the strategic imperative of sending Facebook fans to your website or other web property to help convert.

Matt Astifan’s entire talk was based on how to manage Facebook Advertising effectively and Amber Osborne & Sean Smith discussed whether 100 customers or 100,000 likes is better for business.

Content, Content, Content:

As expected, most speakers and attendees stayed obsessed with content.

Attendees took photos of themselves with hashtag signs, and many speakers discussed how to create & curate content that converts.

If you missed Social Media Camp, and would like to learn more about attending next year, click here to visit their website. 

To get more information on this past event, search #smcamp on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook & Google +




Winner of the Social In 17 ; Vancouver Business Network Event Announced

An enthusiastic crowd of business owners gathered at the Vancouver School of Music, April 22 to attend my 60 minute presentation of Social In 17- Successfully Market Yourself on Social Media in Just 17 Mins a day

The presentation is on the subject of my new book, and is intended to give business owners the exact practical and tactical tools they need to successfully market themselves on social media.

Hosted by the Vancouver Business Network, the seminar was a great success.

Networking followed my presentation, and I got to interact with almost all the attendees!

Door Prize Winner Announced! Congrats Mila Herenda!

Mila Herenda- winner of the doorprize!

Mila Herenda- winner of the doorprize!who won a “Get Your Toes Wet” Internet Marketing Assessment Valued at $1997:

“Get a complete assessment of your online performance, complete with competitor analysis.
Learn where you stand in the online marketplace; what your organization is doing well and 
 what it needs to change. Get an understanding of the opportunities for growth and under 
 serviced niche markets.
Assessment includes:
● Website 22 Point Checklist- how well is your 24/7 sales tool performing?
● Search Analysis- can you be found where your customers are searching for you?
● Social Media- complete network assessment- where are you online and is it working? 
● One Hour- One on One consultation and Question and Answer period with Laurel
Congrats Mila!
For more info:
What people say about the Social in 17 Presentation
Learn more about Social in 17 the Book



Our Latest Web Design – Open Hearth Studio – Providing Therapy Through Art

Web-Design-Open-Hearth-StudioRecently, The New Media Group launched a brand new website for our client – Open Hearth Studio. Run by Francis Bryant-Scott, Open Hearth Studio is a place where people in pain or distress can find comfort, new energy, new ideas, and help when it seems like nothing else is working through the practice of Art Therapy.

Located in the heart of Victoria on Oak Bay Avenue, Open Hearth Studios offers a warm and accepting environment for those looking for one-on-one therapy or a group workshop environment.

Our goal for this website was to reflect the same values and feel as Francis and Open Hearth Studio with warm colours, easy to follow text, and inviting images. It’s important to us to work closely with the client in order to mirror their offline personality with their online presence. We are proud to say that with this new launch we have achieved our goal.

If you’re in the Victoria area please check out Open Hearth Studios. Or if you like our work and are looking for a new or improved website please feel free to contact us to book a chat.



Client Testimonial: “I felt like I was in good hands. They were great at listening to what I wanted, and willing to go the extra mile.”

2013 Highlight Reel

Highlight Reel! Our Favorite Moments from 2013:

Team Meet & Eat.

For the first time we had most of our team in one province and in one room. We shared italian food and got to know the people behind the email addresses!


International Expansion.

This year we got to work with clients in the US & Mexico and Laurel even got to travel to some of these hot spots to visit clients in person.

Screen Shot 2013-12-19 at 11.52.14 AM

Simplification of Service Offering.

You asked us to make it simpler, so we did. We can now explain everything we do in just a few words… Site, Search & Social Marketing that will Make your Sales Soar!

Video Interviews.

We added the weekly live video interview to our suite of video marketing services. Check them out on our Google Plus Page!


We tweaked our guarantee from page one of google in 90 days to Steady stream of leads to your business. We believe it’s a better fit & focus on results.

Some Client Successes:

New Website Launches this year:

Mobile version of

What was your favorite moment of 2013? Did we miss anything? Share with us below 🙂

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays! 

From the bottom of my heart, here’s wishing you and your family the happiest of holidays! 

This year we celebrated 7 years in business, and we could not have done so without your continued support.

From our family to yours, we hope you enjoy some well deserved time off and a prosperous and happy new year.

Our Office will be closed from Dec 23rd at noon,  with reduced service on Jan 2nd and 3rd and fully open Jan 6th.

We look forward to catching up with you next year!

NEW WEBSITE LAUNCH: Premiere Custom Homes

premiere-custom-homes2We are very happy to announce the launch of the new Premiere Custom Homes website!

This fresh, contemporary and hip design uses a minimal amount of text, which lets the dazzling images speak for themselves and make a powerful, lasting impression.

Plus, the responsive design means the website design is mobile friendly, and will automatically resize to accommodate each visitor’s device. So whether the website is viewed on a tablet, phone or PC it will always dazzle and look perfect!

Check out the new website at

Also stay tuned this fall for video testimonials from some of Premiere Custom Homes’ satisfied customers!


Your Turn!

I’d love to hear your questions or challenges – Tell me in the comments below.

And, if you enjoyed this post, please share it!

Laurel LindsayLaurel Lindsay is a Calgary Internet Marking Consultant & President of The New Media Group Inc. She has over 8 years hands-on Internet Marketing experience.

Laurel is enthusiastic and passionate about helping people live better lives by leveraging the power of the internet.


A Digital Entrepreneur’s Manifesto


A manifesto is a document that outlines your Intentions, Motives and Views

Being a business owner or entrepreneur, freelancer or contractor is inherently a political act.

You have the autonomy to create an economy from your 24 hour day.  You can make real your vision of the world and expand it outwards through your livelihood.

Be the change you wish to see. The world needs what you’ve got.

Now is the most potent time in history to be an entrepreneur.

Powerful reach formerly attainable only by the elite is now available for dollars or for free. The Internet frees you from the restraints of geography and time zone. Whatever reason you have to do the work you do, whatever change you seek to make, you can do it.

Now. Powerfully.

Harness the power of the internet- hire abroad, promote for free, work in your PJS, go viral, correspond with business royalty, automate tedious processes, sell your products.

 Anytime. Anyplace. Online.

No more do you need to be stifled by how it’s always been; top down, 9-5, cubicles, economic uncertainty. Don’t let that dreamer part of you die. It’s time. It’s here. It’s being done.

Working to live not living to work.

The four hour work week.

Laptops and wifi on the beach in paradise.

Say no to mediocrity in work and in life.

Harness the power of the Internet, show the world what you’ve got

Your Turn!

I’d love to hear your questions or challenges – Tell me in the comments below.

And, if you enjoyed this post, please share it!

Laurel LindsayLaurel Lindsay is a Calgary Internet Marking Consultant & President of The New Media Group Inc. She has over 8 years hands-on Internet Marketing experience.

Laurel is enthusiastic and passionate about helping people live better lives by leveraging the power of the internet.


Meet Maria!

meet mariaI am very pleased to introduce you to Maria Schmidt, someone you will likely be hearing from in the very near future!

Until now Maria has been operating primarily behind the scenes at The New Media Group as our Project Manager.

Now moving into the role of Operations Manager, it’s Maria’s watchful eye on day to day operations that will help ensure timely, high quality service for our valued clientele.

Since Feb 2012, Maria has been putting her exceptional organizational and creative problem solving skills to excellent use here at The New Media Group.

She has helped to streamline both our systems and providers, well positioning us to become the most sought-after online marketing firm in Western Canada.

Maria has a solid background in technical projects & team management; at one point overseeing the translation of a software service into 9 different languages.

Her technical expertise, eye for detail, and ability to manage multiple overlapping projects without dropping the ball catapults our ability to deliver fantastic results for our clients.

We hope you’ll welcome Maria and her valued skill set to the team here at The New Media Group.

NEW! Passion Powers Profits- Online Training Course Launches

65563_454706097934085_1225617833_nI am so unbelievably excited to announce my latest project.

It’s been over 2 years in the making and I am so proud to finally launch my do –it-yourself internet marketing training course.

It’s quite literally everything I’ve learned about using the internet to get more business, for the first time, all in one place.

And I am offering it by-donation…

Continue reading