About Laurel Lindsay

Laurel Stark née Lindsay has helped thousands of businesses get better results from their online marketing since she began her career as a web marketer in 2003. As a speaker, author and CEO of The New Media Group, she’s been featured on CNN, Entrepreneur.com, CTV and ShawTV.

The most common (and avoidable) mistake you’re making marketing on social media

The Most common and avoidable mistake you're making marketing on social media


If you don’t know the difference between traditional and social media marketing best practices, you’re likely making this huge mistake.

Consider, before the internet, how did businesses promote themselves?

Some examples of traditional media are Yellow Book ads, Flyers, Radio Ads, TV Ads, Billboards.

There are hundreds of other marketing methods that pre-date the internet, all of which possess three characteristics:

  1. Polished, approved and proofed.

Each ad or script went through a proofing process and approval of the artwork and the language far before it ever went public.

  1. One way dialogue.

The dialogue is very much one-way. It rarely if ever elicits reciprocal conversation or two-way dialogue.

  1. It’s about selling.

The language is very much sales oriented. There’s usually the value proposition and a call to action.

Bottom line, these are sales tools that are selling.

Here’s the big difference between these types of tools and social media marketing.  

Are you ready?

The biggest difference between traditional media and social media:

Social media websites are NETWORKING Tools, NOT selling tools.

It’s so important I will say it again.

Social media websites are not SALES platforms, they are NETWORKING platforms.

Social Media is different in that instead of the one-way, proofed and professional media, it’s about building relationships, creating community and trust.

One of my favourite ways to illustrate the nature of social media marketing is ask you to imagine engaging on social media as if you’re going to a networking event.

It’s virtually unheard of to come out of a networking event with a contract and a cheque.  

You will come out with business cards of your new contacts who have given you permission to nurture that relationship.

You’re given an opportunity to go from someone they know, to someone they know, like and trust.

And then, when they are ready to buy what you’re selling, they will buy from you as opposed to your competition.

This is what social media marketing is all about. It’s about nurturing relationships and building community.

Why Social Media works as a sales tool:

If you’re beginning to think you don’t have time for networking and you should go back to your hard-selling or traditional marketing tools, think about this:

Consumers are getting smarter. Currently subjected to over 3000 ads a day* they’re getting sick of being sold to. Consumer behaviour has evolved and so should you if you want your business to survive.

To thwart TV ads, people use PVR technology.  Unsolicited emails are blocked by spam filters.  Junk mail flyers are redirected to the landfill. Cold calls are ignored with caller ID and Voicemail.  

People are getting more determined to control what media they’re exposed to and it’s getting harder and harder to reach them through traditional media.


Yet these same people are spending hours a day engaging on social media websites, watching videos online and searching things on search engines like Google.

It’s human nature to want to connect with others. It’s here on social media we can connect, engage, convert and share our experiences with others.

It’s the Place– (one of the 4 P’s of the marketing mix)- to be.

If you’re looking for fish you have to go where the fish are. Similarly, if you want to get in front of your target market you need to be on social media.

Similarities between Traditional & Social Media:

Consistency– you need to be seen 7 times at least before a consumer registers your existence. Your messaging and frequency of exposure should be consistent in order to remain top of mind.

Value Statement– you will always have to clearly and concisely communicate what value you provide.

Professional- you still need to be professional, but it’s more like the casual Friday version of professional.

Differences between Traditional & Social Media:

Messaging- Traditional media tools are sales tools- social media is a networking tool. As such, your messaging needs to be more geared to getting people to know, like and trust you rather than buy from you right away.

Two-way conversation/Transparency- Because of the conversational nature of social media, consumers will steer much of the conversation. You can’t control what they post about, but you will be expected to respond in a timely manner, addressing comments both good and bad. As such yourself and your organization will become more transparent on social media than with traditional media.

Please note, consumers will be talking about you, whether or not you’re listening. You won’t be able to stop this behaviour by declining to participate. It’s better for your reputation to be present and do damage control where and if necessary.

Increased Consumer Expectation- Our culture has very much evolved to be on-demand, always-on and technology driven. The expectation is that you are on social media daily and respond within an hour.

Paid, Earned and Owned Media-

Instead of just paid media, like billboards and ads, social media offers us the opportunity for increased exposure with “earned” media.

Earned media we create that gets shared due to the value it provides to consumers.

Owned media refers to our web assets- our web page, Instagram account, Facebook pages- these are properties online which are under your control and serve as a media channel.

So you can see, there exist great opportunities for capturing your ideal client on social media.  

This is an excerpt of Amazon’s top rated ebook, Social in 17 and the Social Media Training workshop of the same name. 

Battle-tested tips to having more time (from 10 years of entrepreneurship)



The number one biggest complaint that I hear from my clients and most entrepreneurs is that they just don’t have enough time. So today I’m going to share with you my battle tested tips on how to have more time.

Why do you want to have more time?

Well at the end of the day, none of us gets out of here alive…

So you want to make sure that you’re enjoying your life and accomplishing the things in your personal life and in your business that you want to accomplish.

The number one thing I always recommend is to prioritize and plan.


Prioritize & Plan:

What this means is you start working on your business instead of in it doing day to day tasks.

By setting aside some time to plan what your priorities are on a given quarter, a month, a week or a day.

By blocking out chunks of time to work on the specific tasks you’ve identified as high priority, then you will find that those big things get done and you have more momentum in your business.

You will be much more effective and create more time for yourself.

Document & Delegate:

The second tip that I recommend is to document and delegate.

If you’re anything like me or any other small business out there, you may find you’re doing the same tasks over and over again.

So why not document exactly how to do that exact task and then delegate it to an administrative assistant, a contractor that you might be working with or maybe you can even rope in a friendly teenager to help you with some of that web marketing and online stuff that you might not be so good at?

Some of the tools I use to document and delegate are Basecamphq.com and Atlassan.com

Take Control of Your Time: Start saying no.

You might feel guilty at first but then you’ll be so happy and feel so free that your calendar’s all freed up!

Make sure that you are only saying yes to things that are actually a priority for you and that feel good. People will understand if you’re polite about declining.

And remember to take some time and go on vacation and get offline.

When you are less accessible, people tend to respect your time more and they also often times will figure things out on their own.

 Also, some of these tasks will just fall away naturally. For example, I had it on my list absolutely forever all summer to take a pair of pants and to make them into a pair of shorts.

And guess what – I didn’t do it all summer. And now it’s fall and I don’t need shorts anymore. So, done! I don’t need to worry about it.

Ask for Help:

Let’s face it. There’s certain things we’re good at and other things we aren’t so good at.

When it comes to specific niche tasks in your business like your accounting, legal or web marketing processes, it just makes sense to outsource these tasks to someone who can do them faster and more accurately than you can, because it’s their speciality.

Make Less Time:

And the last thing is to make less time for specific tasks.

If you’re anything like me—if you give yourself an hour to accomplish a certain set of tasks, you’ll spend that entire hour doing it. But if you only take 15 minutes then that false sense of pressure will make you work faster, be more focused and be more efficient.


Another way to get more done faster is to stop multitasking.

Your brain can actually only focus on one task at a time and takes precious minutes to get refocused after an interruption.

If you find it hard to focus, you can use an online software to block you from checking social media accounts, or email. One of these apps is: Get Cold Turkey

If you like this tip, please consider subscribing to my channel to get one in your inbox every single week. And I’d love to hear your comments as to whether this was helpful, if I missed anything or if you think that these tips are not what you would recommend for saving time. Thanks so much for watching!

Sign up for our newsletter to get these articles in your inbox once a week!

5 easy steps to identify your target market

5-easy-steps-to-finding-your-target-marketHi. Welcome to your Marketing Minute. My name is Laurel Lindsay and I’m here to help you identify your target market!

Now why would you want to identify your target market?

Well there’s several benefits to knowing your target market.

It’ll save you a ton of time, money and frustrations spent on your marketing because you’ll know who you serve. And when you know who you serve, you can communicate more effectively to them, attract them to your business, generate more prospects and convert those prospects to sales–which is what we all want, right?

Put that money in your pocket!

So how do you do it?

Well if you have an existing business already then you’ve got a gold mine of data that you can use.

Step One: Analyze the customer demographics that you have:

Ask yourself

  1. How big are the businesses typically that you’re serving?
  2. How many dollars in revenue do they generate every single year?
  3. What’s the position of the person that you’re working with in the company?
  4. Or, is it a micro-business?
  5. What’s the geographic location?

Just start looking for patterns and similarities around your existing customer base.

Step Two: Survey your existing customers:

Ask them:

  1. Why did you come to me?
  2. What problem did you have?
  3. Why did you pick me out of any other business out there out of all the competition?
  4. What value did you get from our interaction?
  5. Did you feel the pricing was good or bad?

Surveying your customers and asking them questions like this will provide you with a ton of data on your value. And you can use the exact same verbage from your existing customers to speak to your perspective customers which is fantastic.

Step Three: Brainstorm

Now if you don’t have any customers yet, don’t worry. Your 3rd step is where you would jump in on brainstorming.

Start thinking about things like:

  1. What do these people need?
  2. What is this imaginary audience that I’m serving?
  3. What do they actually need from me, not what do they want? So for example they need their toilet fixed as opposed to having, say, a cheap bill, right?
  4. So what do they need?
  5. What are they curious about?
  6. What kind of questions do they need answered before they are ready to lay out their cash?
  7. What are they ready for?
  8. Maybe they are not ready to lay out cash, but are they ready for a call with you?
  9. Are they ready for an assessment?
  10. Are they ready for an e-book?

When you start to gather that information together, you get an idea or an “avatar” of who your prospect is.

And the demographic information may not necessarily be the same, but if you get the psychographic information together around what their needs are and who they are or what their personality is like, then that will give you an audience to speak to.

Step Four: Check in with yourself.

Then go ahead and reflect on if that feels right to you.

I know this may sound a little bit airy-fairy but if you already have existing customers, think about the ones who are most profitable that you love to work with. And contrast those with the ones that are a bit of a pain in the hiney.

You want to focus, where-ever possible on working with people that make you feel good and generate profits for you.

Step Five: Test and Refine

And then lastly, test. So you have this hypothesis now on who your target market is, go out and try and market to them and see if that works. And then look at the data that is provided through Google Analytics or any Social Media reporting tools and refine accordingly.

And so that’s how you figure out who your target market is. It’s a bit of a trial and error, a bit of science and a bit of gut-feel.

And if you liked this One Minute Tip, please don’t hesitate to subscribe to my channel. You’ll get a new tip in your inbox every single week. If you found this valuable, please consider sharing with your network. And thank you for joining me on how to identify who your target market is. Wasn’t that easy? That was easy!

3 Tips For Building Your Personal Brand

THE NEW INSTAGRAM DESKTOP EXPERIENCE-THREE (2)There’s a new frontier for business professionals experienced and amateur..that frontier is personal branding. With so many qualified individuals out there, a resume is no longer enough.

Here are three things to focus on when defining your personal brand:

What Is Your Story?

giphyEveryone has a story, what is yours? Try to consider what defines you and makes you unique. How did you get to where you are today? What challenges have you faced? Where did you find inspiration to do the things you’ve done? These are some of the questions you could consider asking yourself. Then it’s time to start jotting this down on paper or a whiteboard in order to get your brain thinking. From there, try and create a 250 word story to build on.

Why Is It Important?


Now that you’ve got the basis of your story, it’s time to think about why your story is important to others. Specifically, other professionals in your industry. Try and find elements of your story that are relatable or make you stand out. Highlight those reasons and expand on the overall results that you achieved.

What’s Your Elevator Pitch?


It’s time to slim down your story and craft it into a slick elevator style pitch. Something that has worked for me is creating a few different variations, different lengths and different highlights, then practice them on different types of people. You’ll notice over time that people will gravitate towards a certain pitch and then you can perfect that one.

Once you’ve thought about your personal brand more thoroughly it’s time to put it into action. Create a personal website with yourname.com or something similar. Then, start writing blog posts and posting them to LinkedIn or your own .com blog. Promote your posts on social media and ask your network to share them. For more ideas on how to build your personal brand, contact us today!

5 Best Tools for Social Media Managers

THE NEW INSTAGRAM DESKTOP EXPERIENCE-THREEWhether you’re working on social media for your business or your personal brand, it’s important to optimize the time you have by taking advantage of the best tools. Over the last six years, I have found that some tools have emerged as being more important than others and although I use over 20 tools most days, these are my top five:

1. Feedly (Finding great content)

There is no end of great content on Feedly, which can either be used for posting to social or inspiration for your own blog/content creation. You simply choose your favourite websites or blogs that contain topical content and then Feedly will show you fresh posts from those sites in a nice, easy to access stream. Typically, when I’m working with multiple clients I will arrange my Feedly according to industry in order to optimize the amount of time it takes me to source great content. Here is what my side menu on Feedly looks like:

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2. Facebook Trending (Sourcing viral content)

I’m not exactly sure how Facebook determines what’s trending, but 90% of posts that go viral for our clients are generated from Facebook Trending. These are posts that see 300 – 400% increased engagement (comments, shares, and likes) and reach about four to five times the amount of people that actually follow the page. It’s important to refresh Facebook often and try and find trends that relate or can be related to your business or clients.

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3. Unsplash (Free HD images)

My all time favourite place for free stock images. Every ten days there are ten new photos shared with the community and you are free to use them for whatever you’d like. I think they make great backgrounds for blog post titles (as seen at the top of this page) with layered font over top of them. You can easily blur them a bit if you find the photos to be too busy or distracting. I’ve been noticing more and more lately how bad most businesses graphics are on both social media and their blogs. It’s so important to give customers a visual of what you’re trying to do or say and the possibilities are endless (and free) with Unsplash.

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4. Canva (Free graphics generator)

Using Canva has helped our agency generate more engagement on social media and online. Whether we’re creating picture quotes, contest banners or graphics for blog posts, there’s always new and creative ways to use Canva. Using Unsplash photos in Canva also helps to keep your costs free, but there are backgrounds and graphics available for around .99 cents a piece. Try adding a graphic to every social media post, even if it’s not a post that you’d expect to have an accompanying image as people are much more likely to share visual posts online to their network.

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5. Hangouts On Air (Easy video interviews/testimonials)

The last great tool for social media managers is Google Hangouts On Air, a simple way to conduct video interviews or generate video testimonials for your website. We typically do a new interview each week with specific clients and this really adds a human touch to their social media presence. Not only do the videos put a face to the name, they allow fans and customers to engage in unique ways, such as asking questions or suggesting topics for future videos. In today’s online world, the more video the better and now that many social networks have added auto-play functionality, your message is much easier to hear. Here is a great tutorial on how to get started with Hangouts On Air. If you need additional tools or strategies for social media management, don’t hesitate to contact us today!

5 Tips To Save Time On Your Web Marketing

If you are a business owner and you’re strapped for time but you know you still need to be web marketing, keep reading.

Web MarketingWe are going to cover 5 ways that you can increase your effectiveness and decrease the time you spend web marketing yourself.

Tip #1 Be Strategic

You don’t necessarily need to be engaging in all the web marketing activities out there.
What you do need to be doing is engaging the ones that are most effective. Historically, the most effective web marketing tactics are

  1. Email Marketing
  2. Video Marketing
  3. Blogging

So just focus on what works and what will attract your target audience to your website or to your web property. Work smart, not hard and save yourself some time.

Tip #2 Multi-task

Your smart phone has the power of a large computer so why not use it?
When you’re on the road, stuck in traffic, you can actually get your phone to type your blog posts for you. Use the voice mode tool and get those audio files transcribed or you can write an email to yourself and with the microphone icon, when you speak it will actually transcribe and write those blog posts for you. Talk about a handy tip.

See above- the microphone icon on the bottom left will type as you speak - (iphone 6s)

See above- the microphone icon on the bottom left will type as you speak – (iphone 6s)

Tip #3 Automate Where Possible

Take advantage of automating tools especially when it comes to social media.
One of my favorite tools is Buffer for a couple of reasons. It helps me by suggesting content that I can then post to my network. As well it lets me schedule my post in advance. So it helps me both curate content and plan my posts in advance.

Tip #4 Delegate

And don’t be afraid to delegate. You don’t necessarily need to be doing all of your web marketing activities yourself. If you take a little bit of time and create a to-do-list with detailed instructions, you can then delegate that to an assistant, a part-time worker, an admin assistant or a an agency that specializes in offering done-for-you marketing management . Investing the time up front will allow your future self to have a little more time to do what you’re best at.

Tip #5 Repurpose Your Content

Make your content work hard! If you’re creating videos or blog posts, you can literally repurpose one piece of content into up to 10 pieces. That translates to more content for less effort, more clicks to your website and more sharing on social media.

How do I repurpose my content?
Summarize a blog post into a video or transcribe a video into a blog post.
Save your video as an audio file and upload as a podcast. Create an image with a quote or an infographic highlighting key points of your blogpost . And you can repurpose that content and get a lot more bang from your bucket than just using at once.

That’s your One Minute Tip. If you found this valuable, please consider sharing with your network and don’t ever miss a tip if you subscribe to my YouTube channel. Thanks so much for watching.

5 Proven Ways To Increase Blog Post Engagement


blog post engagement

1. Evaluate your blog post’s headline.

Is it catchy enough?

If you’re struggling with catchy headlines or coming up with something that rolls off the tongue or piques your viewers’ interest, go to BuzzFeed.com and check out some of the headlines there for inspiration.

Is it Catchy Enough?

(above- Buzzfeed.com encourages readers to spend hours on their site, clicking headings that pique our curiosity)

You want to pique reader interest so ensure your headlines play on our curiosity.

Pay a lot of attention to your headlines. About 50% of the effort you’re putting into your post, you should be putting into your headlines.

2. Pay attention to your formatting.

Make sure that your posts are easy to scan, not necessarily read.

  1. Use short sentences.
  2. Use lots of white space
  3. Summarize key points in bold headings
  4. Bold key points
  5. Italicize sparingly
  6. Use bullets and numbering
  7. Provide at least 3 links to resources you mention in the post

Pay attention to your formatting

(this post from LinkedIn has all the right ingredients to encourage me to keep reading)

3. Use images and multimedia.

Historically, posts that are shared the most are the ones that have up to 15 images.

So at least use one image. If you can include a video as well, absolutely go for it.

People want to see photos and they want to see videos more than they want to read a big wall of text.

The most successful posts used images to show someone exactly how to do what they’re describing in the post, not just what to do.

Tips on using images:

  1. Take pictures using your smartphone or screenshots
  2. Pay for stock images
  3. Use free images found on the internet – search Creative Commons licence on Flikr.com for example.

HOT TIP on images:

See the eyeball heatmap image below. For any of you unfamiliar with a eyeball heat map, it tracks the amount of time people spend looking at various parts of a webpage. The longest times are red, followed by orange, yellow and then green.

According to KISS metrics, having an image of either a baby or a lady looking at the text you want someone to focus on, will encourage them to do so.

Hot tips on images

4. Longer blog posts are actually better

Recent studies show that posts over a thousand words are getting shared more and more often because they provide more value.

Instead of just skimming the surface of your topic, dive a little deeper. Provide a little bit more information and details to your audience and you will get rewarded.

5. Ask for what you want.

The very last thing a lot of folks forget to do is ask for interaction.

Ask for people to share your post with their network. Ask for comments and you will receive!

That’s your One Minute Tip. If you found this valuable, please consider sharing with your network. And if you don’t ever want to miss a tip, subscribe to my YouTube channel for weekly tips in your inbox. Thanks so much for watching.

Video is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3l9RXALzJyY

Improve your website with these 3 things every customer wants

Hey folks! Welcome to your one-minute tip! Today I wanted to be inspired by the Port of San Francisco, which is where I am. You can see the beautiful Bay Bridge behind me to talk to you about really easy updates that you can make to your website to get better customer satisfaction.

1. Make it easy to contact you:

So the very first thing is to add your phone number or a large Contact Us button to the very top of your website on every single page so customers don’t have to hunt and search to contact you.

For an intermediate step, you can also add a live chat on your website which you can sync to your smartphone to connect with your website visitors in real time.

website marketing

2. Post your hours of operation:

Especially important for brick and mortar businesses,  add your hours of operation either to the very top of your website or at least to your contact page. A lot of people are searching for your hours of operation and you don’t want to leave them frustrated.

3. Help people find you with a map

For those of you with a local business or store front, be sure to add a Google map so people can get directions and find out exactly where your business is located.

That’s your One Minute Tip. Thanks for watching. And if you found this valuable, please consider sharing with your network and don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel and never miss a tip. Thank you.

How to market your business – using only your smart phone

Today’s question comes from Joy who is wondering,

How do I market my business online just using my smart phone? I don’t have a laptop yet.


Joy, that’s a great question. I know you run a jewelry business – congratulations on that!

So what you want to do is change your thinking: You’re not at a disadvantage not having a laptop. In fact, your smart phone has more power than laptops from 10 years ago.

Step One for Mobile Marketing: Create as much content as you can

Start creating multimedia using your phone; think photos and videos. Some ideas for creating content could be:

  • You can take pictures before, during and after your jewelry making process.
  • You can take photos of people wearing your jewelry.
  • Small videos on how to repair jewelry.
  • Videos or images of how to wear jewelry- with what clothes, shoes etc.

One of the biggest obstacle people face typically with web marketing is creating visual content and you’ve got all that power in the palm of your hands.

Step Two for Mobile Marketing: Be present where your customers are

The second thing is setting up accounts where people are going to see your wonderful content.

Instagram, Pinterest & Facebook are three really great accounts to get for your business.

Download those apps and start uploading your content there all the time.

Instagram is rolling out a “Buy Now” button. Facebook already has one and Pinterest also has that coming out in the States and hopefully soon will be in Canada as well.

Takeaway: You can start selling your products directly on these social media networks.

It’s very important, once you’ve got those profiles set up on both those accounts, to “optimize” them so to generate sales for you.

Some ways to optimize your profiles could be:

  • Indicate in your profile how people can actually purchase your product.
  • How they can contact you
  • Your shipping and return policies.

smartphone marketing

Step three for mobile marketing: Create your community.

And my last tip is, go out and engage with people strategically.

So perhaps fashion boutiques or people who do make up. Or anybody that has the same customer base that you would want for yourself.

And also use hashtags.

Use “#YYJ” for the local Victoria hashtag. #jewelry, #fashion, #style, etc. Experiment with hashtags to see which ones draw the most likes and comments on your photos.

That’s your One Minute Tip.

If you found this valuable, please consider sharing with your network. And if you never want to miss a tip, subscribe to my YouTube channel and you’ll get a tip a week in your inbox.

Thanks so much for watching!