The most common (and avoidable) mistake you’re making marketing on social media

The Most common and avoidable mistake you're making marketing on social media


If you don’t know the difference between traditional and social media marketing best practices, you’re likely making this huge mistake.

Consider, before the internet, how did businesses promote themselves?

Some examples of traditional media are Yellow Book ads, Flyers, Radio Ads, TV Ads, Billboards.

There are hundreds of other marketing methods that pre-date the internet, all of which possess three characteristics:

Polished, approved and proofed.

Each … Continue reading

Battle-tested tips to having more time (from 10 years of entrepreneurship)



The number one biggest complaint that I hear from my clients and most entrepreneurs is that they just don’t have enough time. So today I’m going to share with you my battle tested tips on how to have more time.

Why do you want to have more time?

Well at the end of the day, none of us gets out of here alive…

So you want to make sure that you’re enjoying your life and accomplishing … Continue reading

5 easy steps to identify your target market

5-easy-steps-to-finding-your-target-marketHi. Welcome to your Marketing Minute. My name is Laurel Lindsay and I’m here to help you identify your target market!

Now why would you want to identify your target market?

Well there’s several benefits to knowing your target market.

It’ll save you a ton of time, money and frustrations spent on your marketing because you’ll know who you serve. And when you know who you serve, you can communicate more effectively to them, attract them … Continue reading

3 Tips For Building Your Personal Brand

THE NEW INSTAGRAM DESKTOP EXPERIENCE-THREE (2)There’s a new frontier for business professionals experienced and amateur..that frontier is personal branding. With so many qualified individuals out there, a resume is no longer enough.

Here are three things to focus on when defining your personal brand:

What Is Your Story?

giphyEveryone has a story, what is yours? Try to consider what defines you and makes … Continue reading

5 Best Tools for Social Media Managers

THE NEW INSTAGRAM DESKTOP EXPERIENCE-THREEWhether you’re working on social media for your business or your personal brand, it’s important to optimize the time you have by taking advantage of the best tools. Over the last six years, I have found that some tools have emerged as being more important than others and although I use over 20 tools most days, these are my top five:

1. Feedly (Finding great content)

There is no end of … Continue reading

5 Tips To Save Time On Your Web Marketing

If you are a business owner and you’re strapped for time but you know you still need to be web marketing, keep reading.

Web MarketingWe are going to cover 5 ways that you can increase your effectiveness and decrease the time you spend web marketing yourself.

Tip #1 Be Strategic

You don’t necessarily need to be engaging in all the web marketing activities out there. What you do need to be doing is engaging the ones that are … Continue reading

5 Proven Ways To Increase Blog Post Engagement


blog post engagement

1. Evaluate your blog post’s headline.

Is it catchy enough?

If you’re struggling with catchy headlines or coming up with something that rolls off the tongue or piques your viewers’ interest, go to and check out some of the headlines there for inspiration.

Is it Catchy Enough?

(above- encourages readers to … Continue reading

Improve your website with these 3 things every customer wants

Hey folks! Welcome to your one-minute tip! Today I wanted to be inspired by the Port of San Francisco, which is where I am. You can see the beautiful Bay Bridge behind me to talk to you about really easy updates that you can make to your website to get better customer satisfaction.

1. Make it easy to contact you:

So the very first thing is to add your phone number or a large Contact Us button to the very top of your website on every single page so customers don’t have to hunt and search to contact … Continue reading

How to market your business – using only your smart phone

Today’s question comes from Joy who is wondering,

How do I market my business online just using my smart phone? I don’t have a laptop yet.


Joy, that’s a great question. I know you run a jewelry business – congratulations on that!

So what you want to do is change your thinking: You’re not at a disadvantage not having a laptop. In fact, your smart phone has more power than laptops from 10 years ago.

Step One for Mobile Marketing: Create as much content as you can

Start creating multimedia using your phone; think photos and videos. Some ideas … Continue reading