About Laurel Lindsay

Laurel Stark née Lindsay has helped thousands of businesses get better results from their online marketing since she began her career as a web marketer in 2003. As a speaker, author and CEO of The New Media Group, she’s been featured on CNN, Entrepreneur.com, CTV and ShawTV.

How to Banish Social Media Guilt

Today we’re going to talk about how to alleviate
social media guilt.

If you’re trying to use social media to generate more leads, credibility and exposure for yourself you probably are suffering from social media guilt.

It’s a phenomenon that occurs when you feel like you’re not on the right
social media web sites, you’re not engaging enough, you’re not posting enough and you’re missing something.

I’m here to give you three simple ways that you can alleviate that feeling.

So the first thing is to find a time to schedule in maybe a half an hour where you can schedule your social media posts in advance.

The program is called hootesuite.com .HootSuite allows you to
schedule your social media posts in advance. I recommend taking a half an
hour chunk on a Sunday or a day that’s slow and post all your posts for at least a week in advance, per network.

So, that even if we have everything go sideways that week at least you know that your social media posts are done.
The second thing I want you to do is download the mobile apps for each of the social media accounts that you’re on.

What this’ll enable you to do is whenever you’ve got a spare moment, just
check in to your social media accounts and engage with your network.

This offers you a really quick and easy way to engage when you’ve got me a few
minutes to spare stuck in traffic or if you’re waiting for someone to show up for a meeting or something like that.

The third thing I want you to do is set an alarm so when you are actually on a
desktop computer and you are checking your accounts.

I set my alarm so you’re not on there wasting time, looking at pictures
of cats.

If you liked this video, please share! What do you struggle with in social media? Share in the comments below.

3 steps to simple video marketing for small business

How to start video marketing

1. Actually, your biggest fear is your biggest asset.

Most people are concerned with how they look on camera and many people out there are too nervous to be in front of a camera.

What you don’t know is the fact that you’re not a model or actor is actually working to your advantage.

The success of reality shows is testament to the fact that people no longer like things that are fake. The public wants authenticity. The fact you’re a real person with flaws and a unique personality makes you far more trustworthy & credible then an actor or model could every be.

Besides, you’re probably more talented, intelligent and better looking than most reality stars anyway.

Also, practice makes perfect!  I’ve been creating video blogs for probably four years now and at the bottom I’ve included a link to my actual very first video. You can see the difference practice makes.

Don’t let being inexperienced stop you from video marketing!

2, What should you do a video about?

Simply re purposing your blog posts and summarizing them is the most effective way to start video marketing. See a sample here:

As long as you are you’re using topics that provide value to your audience it doesn’t really matter what you talk about. Here are some ideas:

  1. Answer frequently asked questions
  2. Do interviews with your customers, suppliers or people in related industries.
  3. Offer tips
  4. Talk about relevant news, company events
  5. Introduce your staff, yourself & your business.

3. What Equipment Do I Need to Start Video Marketing?

No matter what your budget, you can find equipment to get the job done.

I used to use a flipcam, now I use an iPhone. Apparently there’s a Canon camera you can buy for about $1000 that will provide decent quality video and audio.

You can also get your videos professionally filmed, which I sometimes do as well.

On the other side of that is also Instagram and the Vine app- both of these are smart phone apps that provide 25 seconds and 7 seconds respectively a video time.

Again you don’t need professional equipment or editing to start video blogging. Just start and see what happens!

Are you video blogging yet? Did I miss any tips? Share your comments below!

and, as promised, here is a link to my very first video! **cringe!**

7 ways to use digital & mobile marketing to get better results from your radio, print and in-store marketing:

Bottom line, you need your marketing expenditures to translate into sales.

mobile marketing guyOne of the hardest types of marketing to measure for effectiveness is the offline type- radio, print and in store advertising.

Not anymore!

Maximize the return on your marketing dollars by asking your offline audience to engage with you online.

This way you can capture their data and continue to market to them in free or low cost ways to convert them into paying customers.

It sounds more complicated than it is. Really, just a few simple tweaks to your advertising campaign will net you way bigger results.

7 Actionable Marketing Strategies you can use in your business today:


1. Have a QR Code on all print advertising:

Your vehicle decals, in store posters, print flyers, business cards and more.

Have this QR code point to your website, sign up form or Facebook page- depending on the market and your goals. This way you can capture prospect info via their smartphones & continue to market to them in the future.

2. Run a contest:

On radio, phone or word of mouth, ask people to sign up for your newsletter or like your page on Facebook to win.

The giveaway item doesn’t have to be expensive to work as an incentive for consumers to connect with you online. Bonus, you’re then tapped into social media, where the customer already spends their time.

3. Leverage your website design: 

Create promotion specific pages.

Use specific website URLS, like, www.yourcompanyname.com/bestcontest. Then, through Google Analytics, you can track the traffic from each promotion

4. Be smartphone smart:

Get a shortcut to your mailing list and keep it on your smartphone.

Ask people you meet in person if you can add them to your mailing list.

5. Offer a discount:

On the bottom of your receipts, invoices or quotes offer discounted services for those who are a member of the mailing list, Facebook page etc.

This gives people incentive to connect with you online.

6. Use coupon codes:

Offer a small discount in exchange for the presentation of a coupon code.

This way you can both encourage consumers to act, and track your return on investment.

7. Boost the power of social:

In store, post QR codes a way to like you or check in on Facebook.

Facebook Check-Ins act as an endorsement that shows up on the news feed of that consumer’s friends.

What are some ways that you get the most effectiveness out of your Offline marketing campaigns?

Tell us your secrets to getting more sales in the comments below:

Get more sales using internet marketing: 3 steps to creating a simple digital sales funnel

As a small business owner, you have more in common with a fishermen and farmers than you may think. 
Image courtesy of Moz.com

Image courtesy of Moz.com

When you’re marketing your business, sometimes you’re harvesting the results of your efforts and and sometimes you’re planting.

And sometimes, you’re fishing for prospects.

In order to make the most of your marketing budget, maximize the return on your investment with a strategic sales funnel.

What is a sales funnel?
A sales funnel is the process which a consumer goes from casually interested, to actively purchasing. The funnel takes into account the emotional and logical stages the buyer goes through, and nurtures them on to the next phase. 
By creating a well thought out sales funnel, you will increase the yield of your harvest.
So, just because someone isn’t ready to buy the first time they see your website, flyer or sign, doesn’t mean that they wont ever be ready to buy.
By offering multiple ways to engage with you further, you’re effectively casting 3 nets to  capture prospects and turn them into clients.
Cast 3 marketing nets to capture the most fish
1. The net with the biggest holes will ask your prospect to contact you to buy- a certain  percentage of people will be in this phase of the buying cycle and will respond. For those who aren’t though, they could be lost to you, unless you offer some alternatives.
2. Offer a second option that is less commitment- join our VIP (newsletter) list for “sales, giveaways, contests and other specials”. This type of option will capture prospects that are teetering on the edge; they’re thinking about buying from you but aren’t quite ready.
3. Thirdly, offer a third net with the smallest holes. This “net” is designed to capture the information of those parties that are just in the beginning stages of the buying cycle, where awareness is key. Catch these smaller fish now and watch them grow into big fish customers. Ask them to like you on Facebook or join you on Twitter to get entered into a contest to win free stuff. 
Permission  Marketing:
Essentially, you are ensuring you have received permission to further market and build 
 a relationship with even the most timid and unsure prospect. This will dramatically
 increase the odds of this prospect making a purchase in the future.
Then, work to build value and nurture these relationships on your social media platforms.
Offer valuable insider tips, how to steps and information that help solve the problem your  customer has. Show examples of your work, testimonials, and profile your staff to build trust and rapport with your audience.
This is a simplified version of creating a sales funnel. But it’s this approach which will measurably increase the efficiency of all your marketing initiatives. 
Do you have a sales funnel working in your business? Tell us all about it in the 
comments below:

Lefebre & Burke- Marketing Management- A Case Study

Here’s what we did for Dr. Lefebre of the Lefebre & Burke Centre. And, what he had to say about it:

Internet Marketing Services Results

Dr’s Lefebre & Burke Medical Weight Loss & Laser Centre has been helping Calgarians live healthier lives since 1988.

Objective: To increase exposure & sales for their new Zerona Laser offering.

Recommendation: Create a search engine optimization campaign, manage Google Pay Per Click campaign, create/manage social media plan, manage Facebook Ads campaign, create & manage email marketing campaign and integrate all web properties.

Results: Over half their new sales come from the internet.

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Become our next success story. Let’s Talk

Premier Gems – Marketing Management / Web Design – A Case Study

Here’s what we did for Jeff Nechka of Premier Gems. And, what he has to say about it:

Premier Gems is a Calgary Based Custom Jeweller.

Objective: To increase sales

Recommendation: To start a search engine optimization campaign based on niche searches to drive more traffic to the site, and to create a social media/email marketing strategy to increase email newsletter signups.

Results: Not only has Premier Gems dominated page one for their custom jewelry offerings, they’ve expanded into anniversary gifts, launched a commercial appraisal service, and have been featured on CNN for appraising the largest emerald in existence.

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Become our next success story. Let’s Talk

Premiere Woodworking- Marketing Management / Web Development – A Case Study

Here’s what we did for Henry de Kok of Premiere Woodworking & Premiere Custom Homes. And, what he had to say about it:

Premiere Woodworking is an established carpentry firm hailing from just outside Lethbridge Alberta.

Objective: Best known for their exquisite custom exterior wood doors, Premiere Woodworking wanted to expand into the Edmonton & Calgary markets. In addition to promoting their doors, they wanted more exposure for their cabinetry services.

Recommendation: Redesign the website to better showcase their services, and engage search engine optimization tactics to drive traffic.

Results: Within less than 30 days of their new website launch they were on page one for their targeted terms and getting over 60% of the traffic to their site from Google. (See below)

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Become Our Next Success Story- Let’s Talk

7 Ways Successful People Use LinkedIN

Throwback!! I filmed this video about Marketing your business using LinkedIN over 2 years ago.

While I am happy to report both better hair days and an improved filming technique, the recommendations and information I provided are still true today.

LinkedIN remains one of THE most effective places for business owners to bolster credibility, build community and generate leads.

5 reasons you need to be on LinkedIN

  1. LinkedIN is THE social network for business only use
  2. LinkedIN is being used by your future customers- currently over 238 million users
  3. LinkedIN profiles are critical to reputation management– they usually show up prior to any other website when searching someone’s name
  4. LinkedIN can be used to get on Google- profiles display on search engines for target keywords- they can be optimized.
  5. LinkedIN users are affluent- the median household income of a user is $100,000

7 Ways Successful People Use LinkedIN

  1. To solicit endorsements– boost credibility and your reputation
  2. To stay in touch with prospects, clients, suppliers and any other business contacts
  3. To generate leads through an optimized profile and company page
  4. To find out who knows the person you’re interested in contacting, and asking for that introduction.
  5. To showcase portfolio pieces or projects visually or through multimedia
  6. To make new connections by contributing to conversations in industry groups
  7. To listen to prospects and clients and hear what’s important to them

In fact, it’s become even more effective than it used to be.

Recently, LinkedIN introduced In Page Analytics- which is a fancy way of saying that now you can see exactly how your audience reacts to your posts- in real time.

This means, less guessing and more knowing what resonates with your target market.



Ebook_Linkedin_mock4Do you want to learn exactly how to leverage LinkedIN to generate leads? Grab your copy of my free workbook here:

NEW WEBSITE LAUNCH: Premiere Custom Homes

premiere-custom-homes2We are very happy to announce the launch of the new Premiere Custom Homes website!

This fresh, contemporary and hip design uses a minimal amount of text, which lets the dazzling images speak for themselves and make a powerful, lasting impression.

Plus, the responsive design means the website design is mobile friendly, and will automatically resize to accommodate each visitor’s device. So whether the website is viewed on a tablet, phone or PC it will always dazzle and look perfect!

Check out the new website at http://www.premierehomesltd.ca/

Also stay tuned this fall for video testimonials from some of Premiere Custom Homes’ satisfied customers!


Your Turn!

I’d love to hear your questions or challenges – Tell me in the comments below.

And, if you enjoyed this post, please share it!

Laurel LindsayLaurel Lindsay is a Calgary Internet Marking Consultant & President of The New Media Group Inc. She has over 8 years hands-on Internet Marketing experience.

Laurel is enthusiastic and passionate about helping people live better lives by leveraging the power of the internet.


A Digital Entrepreneur’s Manifesto


A manifesto is a document that outlines your Intentions, Motives and Views

Being a business owner or entrepreneur, freelancer or contractor is inherently a political act.

You have the autonomy to create an economy from your 24 hour day.  You can make real your vision of the world and expand it outwards through your livelihood.

Be the change you wish to see. The world needs what you’ve got.

Now is the most potent time in history to be an entrepreneur.

Powerful reach formerly attainable only by the elite is now available for dollars or for free. The Internet frees you from the restraints of geography and time zone. Whatever reason you have to do the work you do, whatever change you seek to make, you can do it.

Now. Powerfully.

Harness the power of the internet- hire abroad, promote for free, work in your PJS, go viral, correspond with business royalty, automate tedious processes, sell your products.

 Anytime. Anyplace. Online.

No more do you need to be stifled by how it’s always been; top down, 9-5, cubicles, economic uncertainty. Don’t let that dreamer part of you die. It’s time. It’s here. It’s being done.

Working to live not living to work.

The four hour work week.

Laptops and wifi on the beach in paradise.

Say no to mediocrity in work and in life.

Harness the power of the Internet, show the world what you’ve got

Your Turn!

I’d love to hear your questions or challenges – Tell me in the comments below.

And, if you enjoyed this post, please share it!

Laurel LindsayLaurel Lindsay is a Calgary Internet Marking Consultant & President of The New Media Group Inc. She has over 8 years hands-on Internet Marketing experience.

Laurel is enthusiastic and passionate about helping people live better lives by leveraging the power of the internet.